As of late, Amorette has begun feeling useless and not needed, due to her pregnancy. She and Ariadne begin confiding
in each other, and to help Amorette and give her something to do, Airy gives her a key to a trunk of books. Late the
next night, Amorette is reading on of the books in the lobby, and is suddenly interupted by a half-drunken, expirate and newcomer
to the House called. Servay. He starts blabbering about nothing, so she tries to tune him out by reading again,
only to be brought crashing by reality when he says one, innocent question: "Do you know Dresious?"
After questioning him, she learns that he worked with her father on his ship, and knew him quite well. As Servay
elaborates, Amorette becomes angry at War and her mother for lying to her about Dresious' death. She demands Servay
to take her to her father, which he simply replies that he can't, causing her to retreat back to her room with he new-found
The next night, Amorette returns to the lobby and finds an unusual individual who claims to have been watching her since
she was a baby. After her predictable reaction, he tells her that he also has connections with her father, and can bring
him to her. She hesitantly agrees, and waits patiently in the lobby as he disappears. He returns a few moments
later with a man in tow, her father. The two have a very deep conversation after the first stranger leaves, and start
a long over-due bonding process. After Dresious leaves, Amorette sits quietly on the couch, lost in her own thoughts.
Valero soon finds her. Growing concerned from his nervous and jittery behavior, Amorette questions him, and he responds
by asking her to accompanying him to the roof.
A nervous Amorette follows him silently, and is stunned when Valero wastes no time and falls to his knees, asking for
her hand. After composing herself and growing over her shock, she accepts, but immediately makes it clear they cannot
be married until Zelazny is defeated. He accepts. Once Ariadne hears of the news, she grows excited, and begins
making plans on how the House could be decorated for the occassion. As Amorette plans with her, her own excitement finally
crashes down on her, making her mood lift quite considerably.